Grammy winning trendsetting pioneer, Jody Watley is an icon both in music, dance, fashion & more! I was so excited when I stumbled across this NEW track on twitter. Shouts to She just released it and I love it. It was the first piece of music I played this morning and I kept playing it again and again. It is funky, groovy, spiritual and soulful. It set my mood right and made me feel motivated and positive. I had to get a full copy of her new CD PARADISE immediately! You can get you some too on itunes, amazon &! On top of playing all this good music -- she tweeted me this morning! Yes Ms Watley did! We had a conversation. This is why I appreciate twitter. Jody loves Rahsaan Patterson who I am interviewing tomorrow on The Scene & we briefly talked about him. See an excerpt below lol
@IAMNikkiStrong @SIRIUSXM @HUR_VOICES - I adore him!! @mynameis2long
— Jody Watley (@jodywatley) July 30, 2014
@IAMNikkiStrong Yaay-mutual love -Thank you so much and happy that Sanctuary resonates!!
— Jody Watley (@jodywatley) July 30, 2014

Stay close 'cause you know I plan to interview Jody for The Scene. (my inner diva is screaming right now) In the meantime, peep the phenomenal artist she adores Rahsaan Patterson. That boi is one of the baddest singers/songwriters out here. If you don't know, you bet' WAKEUP! In fact, let me help u. Check him out in concert here, and tomorrow on The Scene SiriusXM 141 HUR Voices. #StillAThrill